Monday, November 8, 2010

Thank You Jerry Jones, But One More Favor...

Hire a new General Manager.

If the Cowboys ever want to live up to their potential, Jerry Jones needs to do what is best for the team. The General Manager of your team is woefully inept. He hires puppets for coaches, gets too attached to players and keeps them long past when their services are beneficial (ie: Flozell Adams. Getting rid of him this off-season was overdue). He also will chose a locker room cancer (read: Terrell Owens) over a real Football man like Bill Parcells. We see how well that move has worked for us. Unfortunately for you, Owner Jerry Jones, your General Manager is you: Jerry Jones.

Fire yourself.

Many parallels have been drawn in the past between you and your good friend, George Stienbrenner, arguably the best owner in the history of sports. He was just as intense as you are, but he learned a valuable lesson along the way: You need baseball people to run a baseball team. He was very involved, and incredibly intense, but he made sure to let Brian Cashman do his job as the General Manager. In return for that behavior, he was rewarded with a baseball team that is an annual contender. That is why use Yankees fans loved Mr. Stienbrenner so much as an owner. We loved knowing that we had an owner that would do anything he could to win, including letting baseball people make baseball decisions.

Please, for the love of everyone in Cowboys Nation, learn the lesson that George Stienbrenner learned; let a Football person manage your football team. Otherwise, we are all in for more years of torture on turf.

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