Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today in Terrible Reviews (AWFUL Xoom Review)

Today while perusing the internet, I stumbled upon this hilariously terrible review on the Motorola XOOM.

Terrible review. Clearly he nor his editor know what they are talking about here because one who is in the know would have never let this be published. If you don't like the XOOM or Honeycomb, that's fine. Everyone has their own opinion. I'll even give you the price argument, but that is overblown when you actually compare apples to apples...or XOOMs to 32GB iPads in this case. did this for us with this infographic:

Yes, the XOOM at an unsubsidized price of $799 is $70 more than the iPad 2 retailing at $729, and that is a big deal for an underdog. Now, for that extra $70 look what you get ON TOP of what the iPad 2, that is either not explained or under explained in that infograph:

  • Expandable Memory via MicroSD up to 32GB. That brings the XOOM up to the storage of the 64GB iPad 2...retailing for $829. 
    • 32GB Micro SD cards can be as little as $20, which keeps you $10 short of the comparable iPad 2 pricing. As for iPad, what you buy is what you get. No expansions.
  • 1280x800 widescreen display (720p HD)
  • 4G LTE radio. 3G is nice, but 4G LTE is MUCH better. Yes, it's not a nationwide network at this point, but Verizon has announced a rather aggressive plan to expand the network to the same footprint as it's existing 3G network by 2013. Point is: iPad 2 is stuck on 3G.
    • Yes, you do have to send the XOOM back to the factory to have the 4G radio installed...but it at least has the option, and it is free.
  • Same resolution rear-facing camera (With flash! Why did Apple not learn the iPhone 4 lesson here?), HIGHER resolution front facing camera. Who wouldn't like clearer video chats?
  • PERSONAL OPINION: Better Interface. iOS is very sleek...but it's also very simple. There's jokes about the iPad being a blown up iPhone for a reason, and that leaves me underwhelmed. The Honeycomb UI however provides a more PC-like experience with the lightness of a mobile OS. Widgets are invaluable at providing at-a-glance live information. The multitasking system also is better, providing live previews in windows when you pull up the menu. The stackable, hidden yet easy to access notification system is FAR superior to what iOS offers as well.
With that readily available information, you can see that this writer must have spent very little time with the XOOM and Honeycomb, as well as possessing little knowledge about either overall. If you're going to write a review, at least have something to back up your opinion. What makes it worse is how he praises Apple for having a great device, then slams the XOOM for temporarily not exceeding them...or for something they do exactly the same. The blasting of the XOOM for having a proprietary charger (which it NEEDS because USB simply isn't strong enough) while Apple does the same for all of its products is a prime example.

Now don't read this and think that I'm merely trying to be anti-iPad because I'm not. It's a great device that does what it does well. It's just not a device that pulls me in and makes me want to actually own it. If you're in the market for a tablet this year just know that Apple is far from the only game in town. Do your shopping.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

When Did You Choose Your Sexuality?

One of my friends on Facebook shared a picture that is quite the conversation piece:

Now this is a very thought-provoking statement, and of course brings up the topic of sexuality being a choice. I have ALWAYS disagreed with this sentiment, because I never made a conscience choice to like women! I love women with all my heart, but never was there a day where I woke up in the morning and decided that from that day forward, I would only like women. 

But, I'm not going to ramble on endlessly here. I'm going to offer anyone who reads this the opportunity to prove me wrong. I have always asked people this one question:

When did you choose your sexuality?

That's it. Feel free to share the experience of making the choice to be heterosexual or homosexual right in the comments. Don't clutter it with other crap, just answer the question that was asked.